Thursday, August 27, 2009

Support your local Coral Gables FOP; addresses and telephone numbers are provided

Support your Coral Gables FOP by cutting and pasting the below paragraph into an email to the elected officials whose addresses have been provided below. Your time and effort can help to secure the quality professional law enforcement that you and others have come to expect from the Coral Gables Police Department

cut & paste address as BCC & put paragraph into body from below


I am sending this email to you today to inform you of my support and alliance with the Coral Gables FOP Lodge #7 in their quest for a fair and supportive labor contract. I do not want to see a reduction in wages nor do I want to see a reduction in current or pensionable issues. I am seeking your attention as an elected official to understand that I support the Coral Gables FOP and am firm on this resolve.


Mayor Don Slesnick
Direct telephone line: 305-460-5220

Vice Mayor William Kerdyk
Direct telephone line: 305-569-1817

Commissioner Maria Anderson
Direct telephone line: 305-460-5223

Commissioner Wayne Withers
Direct telephone line: 305-460-5323

Commissioner Ralph Cabrera
Direct telephone line: 305-569-1817

This message has been posted by the Coral Gables FOP, Lodge #7.

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